How to Install Standard Wallpaper Murals
Spirit Level
Screw Driver
Step Ladder
Get Ready

Lay out your mural
1. Unroll the wallpaper and separate the drops (panels) by cutting between the dotted lines, notice every other drop on the roll will be upside down. Identify each panel and arrange them in hanging order on the floor starting with drop 1. Ensure the whole mural is in the correct orientation by aligning the panel numbers to the top left corner of each drop. Each drop is numbered in hanging order from left to right.
Please note: If you have ordered multiple murals they may be rolled together.
2. Layout panels to check image match before installation. If you notice any inconsistencies within the print, please do not install. Our customer service team can assist you with any problems. Under no circumstance can we compensate installation fees from third parties.

Paste the Paper
3. Ensuring that the first panel is hung straight is vital for successful installation of your mural. Mark a panel's width on the wall with a pencil then hold a plumb line or spirit level on the mark to draw a vertical line down. This will give you a guide when hanging the first panel to ensure it's hung straight.
4. Using a brush or roller, evenly apply wallpaper paste directly to the wall surface, covering a few inches past the first marked section. A smooth, even coat is essential for reducing the possibility of bubbling.

Hang the first panel
5. Line up your first drop with the penciled guideline and start to hong from the top and work downwards. Carefully smooth away any bubbles or ripples using the plastic smoother tool or a soft cloth.
Important: Do not pull or stretch the material during installation. Work from the top and allow the wallpaper to fall naturally, taking particular core to avoid scuffing or scratching the printed surface.

Overlap the panels
6. When hanging multiple drops : hang the panels with Overlap on each lost panels. Visually Match the design on the wall then firmly press the panels together. You See there is Overlap Seams ore there. you may just Double Cut thot seams. And smooth out any bubbles with the wallpaper tool or a soft cloth.
7. Try to avoid getting paste on the surface of the mural. Any excess paste thot does get on the print, gently wipe away with a clean damp cloth as soon as possible.

Repeat until finished
8. Continue the previous stages for each drop until all panels are installed. Continue to smooth and wipe away excess as you go.
9. Trim away any excess paper at the top and bottom of each drop using a sharp knife. Dull blades can cause the paper to tear.
Allow for drying at room temperature, ensuring there is lots of ventilation. If there is a heat source such as a radiator on the some wall as the mural, turn it down or off for the first 24 hours of drying, this will reduce the possibility of shrinkage.
Sit back and enjoy your handiwork!
Take a moment to pat yourself on the back!
You've done it perfectly.